
"Now is all we have. Manage the moment. Be the center, not in the center"
- Jihad Bakkoura.
"Now" is the spirit of infinite relevance:
each model is unique, but the handwriting of the master is always recognizable.
This watch has an amazing appearance with two faces.
The inner side is also flawless and filled with movement, like the front.
Our art is so natural that you feel harmony and tranquility, unity with the universe.Time flow in our watches is as natural as nature: the sun, the wind or the air in the forest.
Each collection is an innovative engineering idea brought to a perfect artistic form.
Real art and luxury respect silence.
They don't shout, but they are always in the spotlight.
This philosophy of the quiet revolution has made the design with the inverted eight one of the most recognizable in the world, but the concept of "now" will turn the page – a new era of the legendary brand is coming.
Our luck is in the DNA of the brand, it is the gene of success and luck, that we pass on to you at the moment when you say "yes" to this watch.
The universe does not know the word "if".
The history of the Franc Villa brand could not have gone any other way:
the owner could not have passed it to anyone but Jihad Bakkoura.
The thoughts of two philosophers and artists from different cultures mysteriously coincided.
The spirit of creativity attracts those who are close in spirit.
It all started many years ago, when the concept and philosophy of this watch captured Jihad's thoughts so much that he agreed to exchange one of his villas for several rare models of the brand.
And when, years later, there was a chance to become the owner of the brand – he did not hesitate.Although by that time he was already successfully developing a watch brand under his own name.